















项目位于上海闵行区郊环别墅区内,距离城市核心区域1 5 公里,3 0 分钟车程。四面交通条件良好,有效联通城市各处。西侧紧邻公交起迄站与5 号线剑川路地铁站,公共交通便捷。



项目位于上海闵行区郊环别墅区内,为纯别墅用地,产品为宋式风格的联排别墅。 上海,既有苏杭千年吴越文化的浸润,又有当代东方芝加哥纸醉金迷式的大繁华。当安静与繁华交织在一起时,造就了上海独特的精致文化,它多元,开放、注重生活的仪式感与生活细节。设计意图从古代文人学者的审美意趣出发,打造新时代的人文主义的艺术生活。在上海的朦胧之中,喧哗之外,我们想要营造一种情境,还原一份映像,找回自己与这片土地的记忆,我们借海上明月的景,将“故”乡与家重新建立起联系。创建一个时空对话的窗口,诉说新时代上海精致生活。

The project is located in the villa area of Minxing District, Shanghai. It is a pure villa land and the project is Song style townhouses. Shanghai has both the environment of Suhang Millennium Wuyue culture and the prosperity of the contemporary Eastern Chicago. When quietness and prosperity are intertwined, it creates Shanghai’s unique and exquisite culture, which is a diverse, open, life-oriented ceremonial atmosphere and daily details. The design intention starts from the aesthetic interest of ancient literati scholars to create a humanistic artistic life in the new era. In the hustle and bustle of Shanghai, we want to create an environment, to restore a picture, and to recover our memories on this land. We will re-establish the connection between hometown and home by the scene of the moon in the sea. We will tell the story of Shanghai’s exquisite life through a window for time and space.




The scope of the demonstration area includes the main entrance of the community, commercial suite, and two sample houses. The site does not have distinct features and lacks available landscape resources. At the beginning of the design, the site input conditions were not very clear, and we made various forms of thinking and judgment.


After the input conditions were finally clarified, the original plan was reorganized and various forms of conception were carried out. In the end, we returned to the initial idea and reperformed the rise of the moon in another form. In the front field area, the design uses the wind-moving walls and planting to isolate the external environment and creates a comfortable interior space.

▼总图 Project plan


In the front field area, we intend to create a sense of ceremony. The curved wind-driven wall guides the visitor to the moon cave gate transition space. This is the first ceremony. Through the moon cave gate, the water cascade of both sides welcomes the guests. This is a second ceremony.

▼弧形风动景墙 Arcuate wind wall


We use 2560 pieces of tinned mirror stainless steel wind-driven piece as the coating material to construct a curved 30.5 meter in length and 2.8 meters in height interface. The shadow of tree, figures, and light are the symbiosis between man and nature, as the Vientiane of life.


Before the installation, we tried various producing methods with the construction party and clients and finally made our decisions after multiple rounds of comparison and adjustment in terms of visual effects, flexibility, verticality, and color.

▼月洞门 Moon gate


Through the Moon Cave Gate as the theme of the frontcourt, we take a look at the poem of Li Hua in the Tang Dynasty, “the bright autumn moon rises from the sea”. The mirror water axis and the moon group sculptures at the end resemble the reflection of the rising moon on the shimmering sea. The bright “moonlight” and the ripples of light reflect the love of this land and the nostalgia.


The monolithic glass of the moon sculpture size is 2.95 meters x 3.2 meters. We made many rounds of comparison and tests in color, alternation, lighting effects, and maintenance methods.

▼蜿蜒水景的跌水面为不锈钢定制 The water surface of the cascade is customized stainless steel

三山望月 Sanshan Wangyue


Introduced by a poem of Li Hua from the Tang Dynasty and referring to the “Arises above the sea is a bright moon”, we use the “One Pool Three Mountains” Taiyechi, Penglai, Fangzhang, and Yinzhou as the three scenic mountains to create such illusion. The three mountain-shaped pieces of sculpture are illusory with the blue light.

后场,朴影流虹 In the backfield, the plain shadow seems like a flowing rainbow


The entire backcourt space is less than 1000 square meters. It is enclosed by buildings, the entrance, and exit of the underground parking, and the wall forms a patio space which is a 2m*2m, 3.8m high wind shaft. With the artistic conception of the poem “Spring in the Foot of Mountain” by the poet Huangfu Zeng of the Tang Dynasty, we constructed an ethereal world with a flexible spatial form and a poetic conception expression. It is an interpretation of the refined life aesthetics of the Song Dynasty.

漾漾带山光,澄澄倒林影。 那知石上喧,却忆山中静。


▼捕捉廊下时光 The porch time

结语 Conclusion


The focus of landscape design lies in coordinating human-land relationships. Our initial intention is to solve problems under limited conditions and play the role of landscape in a limited space. Through the creation of space and a storytelling theme, the project will enable people to walk into the tranquility from the hustle and bustle of the city. It is the life in seclusion, the return to the heart, the integration of nature, and the interpretation of Song-style refined life aesthetics.