Remember the touching journey,
当代九开置业 x 山水比德
Benchmarking work of ΜΟΜΛ & S.P.I--Mount Jiuhua Lianhua Townlet you know Zen's differenceby deeply experience Zen in life.
Trips in nowadays are usually rushed, without sun rising and bell ringing, such rough frames can be forgotten in a short time. We are seeking for a place where people would slow down to stay and feel deeply that they can find the Zen space of their own.
我们提出,以“故事”为引子,创造六大沉浸式体验,通过禅意景观讲述九华山禅文化,以一个个小小典故设计场景,让人们在不经意中寻到禅,在日常生活中悟出禅机。We propose to create a complete story with six sunken experience by telling the Zen culture of Mount Jiuhua. A series of scenarios incidentally convey the meaning of Zen in the daily life.

▲ 项目区位
本项目位于安徽池州九华山风景区,规划总面积为40公顷,定位为世界级禅意旅居小镇,为大愿文化园旅游服务配套。旨在从旅游体验方面进行深化与升级,形成融合居住、商业、禅文化深度体验的一体化旅游小镇,达成互补经济效益,打造为地藏佛禅文化小镇IP。The 40-hectare project which is orientated as a world class Buddhist tourist town, is working as a matching facility for Dayuan Culture & Tourism services, located in Anhui Jiuhua tourist site. In order to upgrade travelling experience and establish unique branding of Buddhist Zen culture, the projectis blended with both residential and commercial use to have complementary economic benefits.
▲ 项目施工过程图
项目于2017年11月正式启动设计,历时近2年,18000㎡展示区对外开放,所谓“慢工出细活”,历经多次优化调整,惋惜部分重点设计因客观因素被拆除,感谢甲方团队给予充分的创作空间,提出高品质、高规格的要求,设计团队全天候配合,最终呈现备受认可的落地成果。The project formally started from November 2017, and the 18000-squaremeter exhibition area was opened to the outside in the recent two years. The whole scheme has been edited for many times as some of fine details have to be removed due to the policies. While the final outcome is highly approved andpraised because of the consummate collaboration between design team and client's supporting.
▲ 项目手绘草稿图
It is a good opportunity to advertise the Buddhist culture of Mount Jiuhua by the project of Lianhua Town. To highlight project temperament, as a result, the design concept is defined as ‘linfa sounds like beads dropping, a single blossom comes a tree and a bodhi’ , providing project the soul and form of lotus.
▲ 项目实景俯视图
▲ 四大空间体验规划图

▲ 元素图片作者:当代艺术家 田旭桐
项目一步一景,皆可溯源,层层递进扣人心弦。形成“顿禅·寻禅·悟禅·看见禅”四大空间体验,营造多维立体体验空间,实现空间的创新。Each frame of this project has its own story with appealing progress, shaping four multidimensional spaces of Zen'knowing, seeking, understanding and seeing' to achieve a spatial innovation.
进入场地,九华山99峰的画面延绵震撼,一如诗人李白所言“昔在九江上,遥望九华峰。天河挂绿水,秀出九芙蓉。”而作为佛教圣地象征的地藏菩萨露天铜像,在群山的映照下,迎着阳光闪耀着神圣的光芒。见山的此刻,游人便进入“顿禅”之境。The shocking scenes of Jiuhua 99 peaks you can feel as described by thepoet Libai ‘I look at Mount Jiuhua from distance while boating on Changjiang River, waterfall seems to be dropping from the galaxy, and the peaks are thesame as nine lotuses.’ The Ksitigarbha sculpture shining divinely undersunlight, here comes the realm of ‘Zen knowing’ once enter the mountain.
▲ 项目实景鸟瞰图
▲ 莲瓣山门,三解脱门(设计效果)
万物皆有禅,世间一切皆为“化相”。莲花是禅文化的象征符号,设计师从莲瓣悟出全新的山门形式,创新的形体以莲瓣化作山门,通过叠层与围合形成,莲生丛绿,呈现山门的浓郁绿意。人行其中,进入禅意世界,开与合的空间演化,讲述当代禅生活“故事”。Zen exists everywhere, world's shapes and forms depend on human mood. Lotus is the symbol of Buddhist culture that inspires designer a brand-new form of gate which is made up by layered 'lotus petals' and covered by green, presenting its natural property. Walking around, modern life is delivered via the Buddhist land with gradually varied spaces.
▲ 莲花亭(设计效果)
The Lotus Pavilion, growing in the nature, standing nearby is a kind of self-inspect in the mortal life by landscape tasting, nature listening and sutra reading.
▲ 莲花亭(设计效果)
▲ 前场水景手绘图
▲ 前场水景手绘对应实景图
前场通过一个一个圆的关联,营造“大珠小珠落玉盘”的画面,区域内种植祈福树、水中菩提、镜面水景、莲瓣叠水等一系列圆形场景,呈现极致纯粹的禅意体验。A sense of 'linfa sounds like beads dropping' is created by a series of circles in the front yard where diverse Buddhist scenarios can be purely experienced, such as blessing trees, underwater bodhi, mirrored water and lotus-like cascades.

Combined with lamplight, the circular water paving makes the sense of ‘subliming with lotus growing’. The sunken water meandering with circular pavings links tothe rounded Buddha yards in and under water, building an exciting zen seeking process with connection between floating bridge and the reception.
▲ 水中曲径手绘图
▲ 水中曲径实景图
▲ 55 米长,2.5 米高,268 字的水幕景墙
▲ 镜面水景手绘图
▲ 镜面水景手绘对应实景图
▲ 下沉禅台,静坐诵课
Spatial connection provides the interests of exploring in the nature: Buddhist cavern with diameter in 6 meters means 6 samsaras, and 24 steps stand for 24 calendaricities. It is the comprehensive experience of both intrinsic discovery and external feelings during the proceed, as the constructions and natural origins are fully gathered in a cyclic way.
▲ 水月洞天手绘草图
▲ 水月洞天手绘对应实景

▲ 净水莲池手绘草图
▲ 净水莲池手绘对应实景图
Sitting relaxedly, Buddhist mood is given by the characteristic space with clear waterand chaste lotus.
Within the inner yard is the Buddhist tea house, in which there are underwater petals, floating Zen island and mirrored lotus pool, enlightened to see the Buddha.Spirit gets touched with the ambient movement driven by dynamic breeze and pure water that mind can be opened to feel Buddhist mood.

在活动体验上,设计团队策划一系列禅行、禅修、禅境的活动融入景观动线,打造“祈福-诵经-早课-撞钟-晚课-放灯”六大活动贯穿启动区功能布局,打造沉浸式地藏文化体验,让人成为场所的灵魂,提升整个场所的魅力。A range of Buddhist activities of padipata and enlightenment are skillfully putinto the landscape axis to construct the functional layout with six activity modules of 'praying, chanting, matin, belling, evensong and lantern hanging'.The immersive experience of Ksitigarbha culture makes users to be site soul, developing the site charm.
Noctivagation economy plays an important role in tourism. While colourful sense judgement makes noctivagation economy improved by effective methods, such as lamplight.
With the help of high-tech lighting systems, landscapes and architectures in the exhibition area can be artified within an interactive lighted environment, allowing visitors to participate in the unusual time andspace trip. Different meaning of Zen is being presented by the noctivagation with lighting innovation.