作品名称:中南 武汉 熙悦
Elk Community project is located in the east of Xihu Distrcit, the urban area of Wuhan. The first demonstration area is about 2600 square meters. We extracted historical and cultural memory of the original site, ancient Yunmeng Lake, and presented the forest soul of Yunmeng with the design language.
为尽量隔绝尚未完工的建筑及施工环境带来的影响,我们在这个不足3000平米的场地中用圆形构筑创造特定空间。“圆”特有的包容感协调场地内外的纷扰,营造自然的静谧。圆环中天井的设计向内引入扩散感带来更多光影变换。为使整圆结构完整落地,廊架内侧无立柱,经过反复试验推导,落定立柱单臂悬挑结构,用白色铝单板包裹。中心池底暗纹水晶黑异形加工,地面线条及立面纹理的统一语言,共同诠释“古云梦泽” 水流与滩涂的历史记忆。
In order to minimize the impact of the unfinished buildings and the construction environment, we created a specific space with a circular structure in this less than 3000 square meter site.
The unique sense of circle coordinated the internal and external disturbances, and also created a natural stillness. The well in the circle leaded to the inward diffusion sense, which brought more light and shadow transformation.
In order to make the entire structure built completely, there is no column inside the corridor . After repeated tests, we decided to settle one-armed cantilevered structure, and wrapped with white aluminum veneer.
The material of the pool bottom in the center is called dark crystal black, and the ground lines are the same as facade texture. They interpret the historical memory of the flow and tidal of ancient Yunmeng Lake.
Ancient Yunmeng Lake was the habitat of elks, which can be friends with human-beings. Elks were also on behalf of the royal nobility. The customized elk sculpture, which was braided by metal wire with density change, was placed at the center of sight and the turn of the path. And the gradual large circles echoed the structure of the center. All of them were full of fantasy and seclusion.